Richard Edward Higgs - Where he lived
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This page shows the first appearance at an address and the last appearance. To save space and repetition, entries for the intervening years are omitted.
The people's ages for that year are shown in brackets
What the codes mean on Electoral Roll lists
Richard(age 6) living with his parents at 15 New North Street
Richard(age 21) at 19 East Street with his parents. This is the year he marries
Violet Kemp (20) from Millman Street
St. Pauls Road, Haringey, Tottenham North - possibly wrong
Westminster, St Marylebone, 71 St. Johns Wood Terrace
Richard(28) married and still living with his parents at 19 East Street.
Richard and Annie - two entries in same year??
76 St. Johns Wood Terrace again with Game and Rollings family
45 Ordnance Road NW8 with Mary Jane Mansfield and the Hall family - possibly wrong
45 Ordnance Hill NW8 with Tanner family - possibly wrong